Employment green cards provide lawful permanent residency (LPR) for foreign nationals who obtain a full-time, permanent job with a sponsoring employer.
Green card holders are not U.S. citizens; however, they have the legal right to live and work permanently in the United States. Obtaining this status takes time and effort, with many potential hurdles and pitfalls along the way.
The immigration lawyers at Buhler Thomas Law, P.C. understands this complex process. We use our extensive experience to assist both employers and immigrant clients achieve their goals as quickly and efficiently as possible. We are based in northern Utah, serving clients in Salt Lake City, Orem, and other locations nationally and around the world.
Obtaining Green Cards Through Employment
In most cases, you must have a sponsoring employer to obtain a green card. However, applicants who have the financial capacity to invest in and help grow the U.S. economy also have an opportunity to obtain a green card.
The process for application differs significantly, based on the type of permanent residency card you qualify for. Each process consists of multiple phases and requires interim approvals along the way.
Once you have your green card, your spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21 can legally join you as permanent U.S. residents.
Types of Employment-Based Immigration
The pathway through which you obtain LPR depends on your potential job role. The categories of employment-based residence are as follows:
EB-1 status is reserved for priority workers. This includes professors and researchers with extraordinary skills and individuals who possess extraordinary skills in science, education, business, sports or the arts. This category also includes business executives who qualify for international transfer.
EB-2 status encompasses professionals who hold advanced degrees and individuals who possess exceptional skills in science, business or the arts. Physicians who qualify to practice medicine in the U.S. also fall into this category; however, they must agree to practice in a region of the U.S. that is currently underserved.
EB-3 status is reserved for skilled and unskilled workers as well as professionals who hold a bachelor’s degree but do not qualify for either EB-1 or EB-2 status.
EB-4 status encompasses religious workers, persons providing foreign language translation services for any branch of the military and anyone who is or was an employee of the U.S. government working in a foreign country.
EB-5 is reserved for anyone who invests $1 million or more in a U.S. business endeavor that will create at least 10 new jobs. In some cases, applicants can obtain EB-5 status with a smaller investment; however, those opportunities are limited. Preference may be given to those applicants who plan to invest in economically disadvantaged locations.
Consult a Green Card Lawyer for Assistance
An immigration attorney can help you determine which category is most appropriate for your goals. Whether you are a sponsoring employer or a potential immigrant, your attorney will assist you through every step of the process. This helps ensure that you get the results you seek.
Contact Buhler Thomas Law, P.C. today to discuss employment green cards and permanent residency status.